Forum Discussion

mduchene's avatar
Community Member
14 days ago

Play Button not showing up in SPA


We're having an issue with a course that has a video on the first slide.

When played on localhost (http), even if we navigate to the page through the SPA (ie no page reload between user interaction and showing the course iframe), the Play button shows up. When clicked the course starts normally and everything works as expected.

However, the same setup but served with HTTPS causes the course to start automatically despite there being a video, and some elements do not work appropriately, for example, we cannot download a PDF from the course.

Is there anything that can be done to fix this issue?

This can be reproduced with a simple html document containing a button that sets the "src" attribute of an iframe with no other attributes.

Course was published Articulate Storyline 3.83.31444.0

  • Hello mduchene,

    Happy to help!

    Can I ask if you were able to test your course by publishing it to Review 360? Courses published in Review 360 use HTTPS, so testing could help isolate if the behavior is related to links that use the secure protocol. We also recommend testing using the latest version of Storyline 360 since your course was published using an older version. 

    If you can replicate the behavior in Review 360 and with the latest version of Storyline 360, please share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening. We'll delete it when we're done!