Forum Discussion

PierreAulagne's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Pre and Post assessment with 100% to complete

Hi all,

I have created a template as follows:

  1. Intro
  2. Topic 1 questions, if all ok go to "4" else go to "3"
  3. Topic 1 training and back to "2"
  4. Topic 2 questions, if all ok go to "6" else go to "5"
  5. Topic 2 training and back to "4"
  6. etc.

Basically, if the Pre is 100%, topic is skipped. 

The way i do that:

  • if answer is correct, then move to next page else go to "topic"

But I would like to add to this a record of Pre-training assessment... Any ideas?

The Post will be 100% all the time

The Pre score would be the score ppl get at first answering each question.


  • PierreAulagne's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Eric, thanks, useful reads, I ended up on this page and would like to know whether it is possible to report PRE and POST scores, at question x learner level, regardless of the passing or not. Our LMS is Saba.

    This would enable me to get a reporting such as

    1. John Doe
      1. Q1 Pre score
      2. Q1 Post score
      3. Q2 Pre score
      4. Q2 Post score
    2. Jane Doe
      1. Q1 Pre score, etc.


    On top of this, I need to create conditional branching so that 

    1. Q1 Pre success = go to Q2
    2. Q1 Pre failure = go to topic 1 learning
    3. Q2 Pre success = go to Q3, etc.


    Thank you!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Pierre, 

      Happy to step in!

      Storyline 360 can only send one score to an LMS, unfortunately, so you'll need to decide on which quiz gets tracked in your LMS. You can read more about quizzing and tracking and when the score gets sent to an LMS by visiting this article: 

      And if you need some ideas on how to design branching in Storyline 360, you can visit this article to help you get started: 

      Let me know if you have any questions!

  • PierreAulagne's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Joe,

    Thanks for your reply!

    The solution could be to report "Course completion status" ("course completed" meaning for us 100% score) and the PRE test score for each individual question (SABA).

    Now the question is only if the following is doable and how:

    1. Launch a PRE assessment with all questions and record 'PRE score" at question level
    2. Based on failed questions, offer to show all course or only failed topics' slides
    3. Launch a POST assessment with all questions identical to PRE, but show only the questions that were Failed in the PRE
    4. If POST is failed, show only the slides related to Failed questions
    5. Launch a Post with only the remaining failed questions and go back to 4 as long as it is not completed 100%
    6. Mark as completed when the person has no remaining failed questions
    7. Report PRE score, at question level, report Completion status

    Again, your help will be much appreciated!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Pierre, 

      I will try my best to address each of your questions individually!

      1. Can you clarify what you mean by this? I haven't encountered an LMS that supports multiple scoring, so if you're tracking the POST assessment score as well, the first tracking option that the learner completes is the one that gets sent to the LMS/LRS.
      2. Storyline 360 has the option to Allow Learners to Review and Retry Only Incorrect Questions.
      3. This is not a possibility.
      4. See Item 2 for possible solutions.
      5. Would setting the passing score to 100 in the Result Slide work for this item?
      6. Similar to Item 5, setting the passing score might be the best option here. 
      7. Only one completion criteria will be sent to an LMS, so be sure to choose 'Track using quiz result' if you want the quiz scores to be part of the completion criteria. 
  • PierreAulagne's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Joe,

    Thanks a lot, here are my answers to each of your questions (I hope)

    1. It seems possible in Saba to have individual questions tracking so I could track the PRE Q1 score, PRE Q2 score etc.
      Completion requires 100% in my model, so only the PRE Score AND completion status matter to me here. This would require sending the score at PRE completion stage.
    2. Based on failed questions, offer to show all course or only failed topics' slides 
      1. "This is not a possibility". (I think you are referring to this topic with your answer?)
      2. What if I create variables based on the PRE: PREQ1 PREQ2 etc and show only the slides where the PREQx is "failed"?
    3. Storyline 360 has the option to Allow Learners to Review and Retry Only Incorrect Questions.Thanks, this is great (that was my "3" actually)
    4.  the issues 4. to 7.: I think you are spot on and this should work

    So could you please tell me if the following is technically doable please?

    The only issue I can think of is the 6.1 but I may have missed some!


    1. Create a set of PRE questions, for each of them track individual status (pass fail) AND create a Pass/Fail variable for each Q.
    2. Report PRE Score as "final score" (even though it is not)
    3. Create a Feedback slide with for each topic the PRE test status (pass/fail) using the variables and 2 buttons to choose from "View only failed" / "View all training"
    4. View all: Create a Training path with all training topics
    5. View failed: Create a separate Training path with a condition on each slide using the Pass/Fail variable
      1. If Q1PreTest is successful then move to Topic 2 slide (skip Topic 1)
      2. If Q2PreTest is successful then move to Topic 3 slide (skip Topic 2)
      3.  etc.
    6. POST Test questions (same as the PRE but showing only the failed ones)
      1. Hide/skip questions for which the Pass/Fail variable is "PASS" (doable?)
      2. Update Pass/Fail variable of successful questions and go back to Feedback Slide

    Thank you for your help and advice!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Pierre,

      Please see my individual response below: 

      1. Tracking individual pass/fail status for each question can be done by using variables, but these won't be included in the data that is sent to the LMS. You can check out this article to know more about variables. 

        Storyline Sends This Quiz Data to an LMS
      2. There isn't a way to change the behavior of pre-check quizzes to mimic final assessments. 
      3. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this one, but you can control a lot of things in Storyline 360 by referencing variables. I'd recommend building a demo file for this one and sharing it with the community so we can help you with your design requirement. 
      4. This appears to be doable in Storyline 360, but it would be best to share a demo file so the community can check your design.
      5. Yes, this appears to be possible using conditional triggers.
      6. For 6.1, you can add a 'Jump to slide trigger' at the start of each slide that will skip the question if a variable has a specific value (ex. True for True/False variables). You can then use the 'Adjust variable' trigger action to change the value of the variable depending on how your learners answer your questions. 
  • PierreAulagne's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello and thanks for your insights!

    Here is the final need definition, since we're trying to move fw the logic prior to the technical solution:

    A course is comprised of 3 topics (as an example), here is its workflow:

    1. Topic 1
      1. Topic 1 PRE test comprised of 2 questions
        1. Topic 1 Q1
        2. Topic 1 Q2
        3. Record the individual answer to individual questions into SABA (as variables?)
        4. if Topic 1 PRE test are all 100%, offer to either go to Topic 2 or see Topic 1 content
      2. Topic 1 Content (optional if Topic 1 PRE test=100%)
      3. Topic 1 POST test (hidden if Topic 1 PRE test=100%)
      4. If POST is less than 100%, go to Topic Content and loop as many times as needed
    2. Topic 2
      1. Topic 2 PRE test comprised of 3 questions
        1. Topic 2 Q1
        2. Topic 2 Q2
        3. Topic 2 Q3
        4. Record the individual answer to individual questions into SABA (as variables?)
        5. if Topic 2 PRE test are all 100%, offer to either go to Topic 3 or see Topic 2 content
      2. Topic 2 Content (optional if Topic 1 PRE test=100%)
      3. Topic 2 POST test (hidden if Topic 1 PRE test=100%)
      4. If POST is less than 100%, go to Topic Content and loop as many times as needed
    3. same for topic 3
    4. When all topics are viewed and PRE or POST are 100% on each topic, the course will be marked as complete, the PRE scores sent to SABA (the PRE is the FIRST ATTEMPT ONLY). The PRE and POST tests are 100% identical. No need to record the POST score as it will always end up being 100%. 




    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Pierre, 

      Thanks for sharing what your final design looks like. A good place to test how this final version of your course would function is in SCORM Cloud. Here's a helpful article on how to upload and test your course in SCORM Cloud: 

      Let me know how it goes!