Forum Discussion

CormacCullen-3f's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Price Increase - Not Justified

I find it hard to believe that Articulate can justify increasing its prices while simple requests, some as old as ten years, have still not been actioned. Personally I feel just about everything I need to do in Storyline or Rise involves a workaround.

This is really disappointing. 

I'd be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on this?


  • I agree, I'm not seeing the benefits from last year to this year to justify the increase. I also agree about issues being left unresolved for years which has become a meme in developer circles but now with price increases it is becoming a more serious issue.

    I see they have used Storyline 360 x64 as part of their justification but it is still in Beta and Beta in tech usually means not production ready. I personally won't use it for client work until it is out of Beta so why am I paying for Beta testing?

    At the end of the day it is down to us the Storyline/Articulate users to seek alternative software and frameworks and to get our clients to use them. Over the last 6 months I have made my clients aware of long standing issues with Storyline when they appear in my projects, as a means of opening them up to alternatives.

    • CormacCullen-3f's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for chiming in John. It really comes down to a money-grab by Articulate. 

  • KenFlieger's avatar
    Community Member

    All my ten years old posts about missing functionality and whatevers have never been resolved. "Maybe ask for a feature request" seems to be the standard. My latest one is to simple have the Rise 360 not use the course name as the Headline in the course. Simple to fix, but I'll assume it will never get done. Imagine some courses are in Chinese and your staff has to find a course that are displayed only in Chinese from Headline of the first page.

  • KenFlieger's avatar
    Community Member

    I'd also like to add to my Rise 360 complaint >  Storyine Review has always had the feature to rename a Course without effecting any content in the course. So, just copy and past the code into the Rise 360 webpage. 

  • +1 As a younger Instructional Designer who grew up using computers and is newer to the industry, Storyline felt antiquated the first time I used it. Whether it's the 10 year/multi-year forum threads of simple bug and feature requests, or software that is often slow and feels like it's from 2007. I often feel like I'm battling Storyline to get it to do what I want, versus the tool helping me do what I need it to. The current products definitely don't justify a price increase.

    When will we get an alternative industry standard?

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      There are quite some alternatives.
      Storyline you can replace with Lectora or Captivate.
      Rise can be exchanged by Microsoft Sway or FlowSparks.

      • CormacCullen-3f's avatar
        Community Member

        What do you think of the price increase Math, is it justified? 

    • CormacCullen-3f's avatar
      Community Member

      That's an interesting insight Griffin. Yes it definitley feels antiquated and feature poor. I think there will be some savvy developers/founds that will see a desperate need in the market and bring out an accessible user-friendly SCORM compliant online course development tool.