Forum Discussion

TonyChilvers's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Print/Export triggers/variables


Is it possible to export, or print, a list of variables or triggers?

For documentation of a project it would be very handy to be able to export a list of the triggers and variables so we can make it easier to pass projects between developers.


  • No worries on the multiple postings, Beth. It helped me identify a couple of additional conversations that were not tied to our report.

    I appreciate you sharing how this would be helpful to you and I've shared these thoughts with the team.

    How do we manage...that's a great question. I can only speak for myself here, but I tend to:

    1. Read the triggers out loud to be sure they make 'sense' and are in the right order.
    2. Focus on one timeline object at a time, if applicable.
    3. Undock the triggers panel to get a better view if needed as well.

    I'd love to hear from others in how they manage many triggers as well :)

  • Thank you for telling me how you handle lots of triggers. I didn't know you undock it and expand it -- that does help a lot. I would still like to be able to print them out, but being able to expand the window to show many more triggers helps.

  • Hello everyone,

    I wanted to pop in and let you know that we released an update to Storyline 360 today, which included a trigger panel and workflow update to make it faster and more intuitive.

    I know it's not an answer to your specific feature request. Still, many of the details that we've gathered around the need for printing the trigger panel are specific to:

    • viewing and troubleshooting a long list of triggers
    • understanding all the triggers tied to a particular action or event.

    With the new triggers panel, you'll be able to:

    • Inline edit - No need to open the trigger wizard
    • Group view - Organize by an event to make it easier to find, edit, and debug.
    • Disable Individual Triggers - No need to delete during your troubleshooting.
    • Collapse and Expand - The ability to focus on specific triggers.

    You can read all about this new trigger workflow as well as check out a video right here.

  • While the new features look great, especially the grouping feature, this does not satisfy the need to print the triggers. I hope you'll continue to work on that one! I'd still like to see it.

  • I'd love to have a reporting included with a packaging feature, just like InDesign, Quark, and Illustrator have.  In advance of comments, I know that they're not the same type of software. :)

    Would be useful to be able to generate a list of assets, variables, triggers, and anything else that might be useful.

  • HarrieJanssen's avatar
    Community Member

    I'd like to be able to search in my triggers or print all the triggers in a project. I am working with project I did not make myself and searching or printing could really help me understand how they build it. For instance I want to see if they've added the "complete course" trigger and if they did on which slide and if they added certain 'if' variables to complete the course.

  • Not sure if this will help now but I do have a solution that I created that will display your triggers in a spreadsheet.  It lists all conditions including Storyline's latest addition, Conditional Trigger Enhancements.

    If you're interested private message me or reach out to me via LinkedIn.

  • alanagriffin's avatar
    Community Member


    Like everyone else in this post I'm curious if there has been an update since the last update. I would like to be able to print the slides and the triggers and slide layers, essentially creating a storyboard. This would allow us to duplicate the process. Thank you! 

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Thanks so much for following up on this, Alana! We're still looking into the request for the ability to print a list of triggers and variables in Storyline 360. We'll be sure to update this thread if any adjustments are made to this feature in the future!

  • It's been 9 years down the line for me, and I had also requested this eon's ago. The last project I needed to check for a broken variable I had to screen capture the trigger panel; panel by panel.  The printout was 10 meters (32 feet) long!! This is a crucial function as a few have pointed out: 1) to make handovers easier 2) keep track of them in a project - they can sometimes become extremely complex 3) when new members board the project it's just easier for them to catch up.  Please Articulate - even if I can export it as a .CSV text value file it will help development in the product a lot!