Forum Discussion
Problem with Rise duplicating files when published
Hi All,
I've published 5 Rise courses, 1 of which uploaded to our Cornerstone LMS fine, however the other 4 spat out 'Critical error - Unable to unzip file... file analyticsframe.html already exists'. I thought it was our LMS at first, but having checked the Zip file, there's 3 of each file in the asset folder. It's all a bit weird.
I've tried deleting and exporting again, and still the duplicate files exist. Does any kind soul know a way round extremely irritating error without having to go in and manually delete everything?
Many thanks,
Hi folks! We wanted to share here that this issue has been fixed:
Duplicate Storyline 360 files were included in the exported package when duplicate Storyline 360 blocks were included in a course.
Please republish your Rise 360 courses to take advantage of the cleaner file structure! Please reach out to our support team if you see anything unexpected.
Hi there, Tom. Do you have 3 Storyline blocks in your course? If so, each Storyline block relies on a group of assets. Those Storyline interactions use a generic name for some of the files, and that's why you're seeing more than one instance of the same file.
Right now, if your LMS won't accept this output, you'll need to manually delete or rename those files. We're tracking this issue, and I'll make sure we update you here if we make a change that will help.
- AnnemarieBer835Community Member
I see this case was reported a year ago, but I'm experiencing the same problem right now. Is there a solution for this now?
- CNavarroFormer Staff
Hi Annemarie, thanks for checking in. We don't have any updates to share yet about this issue, but as soon as we do, we will post it here.
- AnnemarieBer835Community Member
Okay, thanks for the feedback anyway.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Annemarie Bergsma
- BrandiHeimbushCommunity Member
Hello! I am having this issue today. I do have a storyline block in the file. Can you share more detail on what needs to be renamed for this to work?
Hi there, Brandi. Does your LMS identify the files it finds problematic, like Tom originally mentioned in this discussion? If so, you could rename those files.
If you open a Storyline output folder (not the zipped version), you'll see a lot of files in the first folder that will have the some name. The LMS may not have an issue with most of those files. If you can get specifics on the error message to nail down the files, that will help!
- RachelPeltierCommunity Member
- LeaSAgatoStaff
Hi, Tara! I'm sorry to hear you're also having the same issue. To work around this, please try manually deleting or renaming the duplicated files. We'll be sure to let you know if we release changes that will help!
- HaleyKellyCommunity Member
I am having this issue as well. Will deleting the duplicate files cause breakage? I am scared to do anything
- BarbiBrown-5ed5Community Member
I'm having this issue too and replied to another thread. It just started happening to me to day.
I posted
Hi, I'm using Rise to compile a scorm 1.2 file to load into Cornerstone and it keeps showing a duplicate file error. I've tried to run it as scorm 2004 also with the same issue. I then went into my previous rise files to see if this issue existed there and it doesn't. So I tried to recompile a previous file and it's now adding the multiple javascript files with the same name. I can't rename the files individually, it changes all the names. No storyboard, just a simple MP4 to Scorm file conversion. Is this a known new issue?
- WendyNordmark-4Community Member
Having this same issue. Uploading Scorm file and getting the duplicate file error. I've tried removing and renaming with no success. Is there any solve for this?
- WendyNordmark-4Community Member
additionally, to piggyback on Barbi's post, it appears it is the same .js file that is duplicated on my end as well. dd43309a.js is duplicated multiple times.
- BarbiBrown-5ed5Community Member
Hi Wendy, I was able to resolve this by using an incognito chrome browser to access Rise. Another poster posted that they cleared their history and that worked for them. Not sure why this issue suddenly came up for several people it appears, but this worked for me.
- SarahHaage-45d2Community Member
I am having this same issue. I have 3 "analytics-frame" files, among others that have triplicates, and it won't let me rename them within the SCORM file. How else can I work around this? It says there are 66 files that would have to be renamed.
I have another course where I used multiple Storyline blocks, but it is not having the same issue. Why is that?
Thank you for any help.
Hi there, Sarah! We'd love to take a look at the output file that contains 66 duplicates. Would you mind sharing that SCORM package with us, along with the course's Share link?
If that works for you, you can submit them through our case form here. We'll delete them as soon as we are done troubleshooting!
- CraigBunyea-23dCommunity Member
So there's been no patch to this issue of Rise duplicating an embedded Storyline interaction 3 YEARS AFTER it was originally reported??!
I would think that speed of corrective action would be 'unacceptable' at a company like Adobe... but not Articulate I guess.
Is it that difficult to hash a new folder name for these Storyline blocks with each insertion?