Forum Discussion

BreaStapley's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Project Not Showing in Preview/Publish

Hey guys! Looking for a sanity check here lol for whatever reason my project stopped loading anything within the project preview or when published. I haven't made any changes to the project that I can think of would stop it from working. I've checked my layers and states and even disabled my intro animation in case that is the reason -- but no luck! Can someone take a look and see if they can find a reason for the project not working outside of the build view? 

  • BreaStapley's avatar
    Community Member

    Adding on: It was working perfectly today then stopped all of a sudden. I also tried closing and re-opening Storyline but that also did nothing

  • Didn't have time to dig into it, but I hid all objects on the timeline and slowly went through them. It looks like the moving background group is the culprit. Not sure why, but you can test it and take it from there,

  • I suspect it's the CoC background that you have saved as an .svg. SVG are great as vectors, but since it also contains bit mapped images it's probably not rendering properly. I'd resave at the image as a .png 

  • BreaStapley's avatar
    Community Member

    Tom -- my hero! Thank you for taking a look. That was totally the issue, and it was resolved once I updated the SVG image to a PNG. Project is working perfectly now! THANK YOU!