Forum Discussion

LauraCooley-744's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Published Storyline Course - Videos Don't Play once published in LMS

I am having trouble with courses created in Storyline 360 once they are published and imported into an LMS.  If the course contains a video the course will freeze and not advance to the next slide which contains the video.  The course did work at one time in the LMS but now it doesn't seem to matter what I try.

I have checked with my IT Dept and even with my LMS provider both are thinking it may be a setting within Articulate that I need to change and then republish.

I appreciate any thoughts!

  • Hi Laura, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community! ✨

    I'm so sorry you've hit this snag but glad to see that you've connected with my teammate, Ian, in a support case. We'll continue troubleshooting there to keep all information in one place!

    If anyone in the community is experiencing a similar issue, here's an article that may be helpful!

    • LauraCooley-744's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you!!  Ian was great and we were able to find a solution!

      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Laura!

        Thanks for reaching out and sharing the feedback! So glad to hear Ian was able to resolve your issue! If you run into any setbacks moving forward please let us know and we would be happy to assist further.

        Have a great weekend!