Forum Discussion
Question bank - numbering questions
I have a question bank set up to draw 10 questions from a pool of 20. Is there a way I can get the screen to display a question number, so learners know how far they have progressed?
- AntonySnowCommunity Member
Hi Shanti,
You can achieve this by using a number variable and adding a trigger to each question slide to add 1 to this variable when the timeline of the question slide begins - you will also need to add a text box to each question slide that includes a reference to the variable so variable value is displayed on screen.
In the attached example, I have 7 questions in a QB and I am randomly drawing 5 from it. When you preview the attached, you will see that the question number at the bottom of each question slide always goes up in sequence.
I have also added a further trigger to the retry button on the results slide that changes the variable back to 0 when the user clicks it - this will ensure that the question numbers start from 1 again when further attempts are made.
I hope this helps.
- BridgetBurnsCommunity Member
Shanti, can you republish this? I cannot open it. Thanks. Bridget
- SheenaBakshCommunity Member
Hi Anthony,
I found your story file useful for my work.
- carlboydCommunity Member
Thanks Antony, exactly what I needed!
- ShantiMukerji1Community Member
Thanks Antony, that was really helpful. Appreciate it. I'm going to give it a try today and see how it goes.
- ShantiMukerji1Community Member
Hi Antony,
Your file was really helpful! I was able to set everything up, but ran into one issue. I have a "Review Quiz" button, not a "Retry Quiz". I added a trigger to set the QuestionNumber variable to 0, yet when I review the quiz, the question numbers begin from 11 and increase thereafter. Why would that be so?
- AntonySnowCommunity Member
Hi Shanti,
I think you need to move the trigger that sets your 'QuestionNumber' variable to 0.00 above the review results trigger - this will ensure that the variable is reset BEFORE reviewing.
- TinaArcamo-20e9Community Member
Hello Antony,
Thanks for your tip. I followed it and it worked.
There is another issue though -- when the learner reviews the whole course (not just the quiz) and they get to the quiz questions, that's when the numbering increases (ex: 11 of 10). I have no review button in the results page; only retry. But with retry, I don't experience this issue.
Many thanks,
- ShantiMukerji1Community Member
That worked like a charm! Thank you!
- RonSanCommunity Member
i imagine that if PREV button is active on each slide, or worse on selective slides, then you also have have to write a trigger on this button in each slide to subtract 1 from the variable to prevent numbers from increasing everytime you navigate to a previous question.
can someone think of another solution which works in all scenarios without having to create vairables and multiples triggers for each slide.
some of my tests are 150 questions (certification level). so this solution is an admin nightmare.
Hi Ron and welcome to Heroes!
I'm not sure if Shanti or Antony are subscribed to this thread, but it sounds like your on target about setting a trigger on the previous button to subtract one from the variable. Could you set a custom previous button on the slide master with the variable there to subtract one? This way you could use which slides would use that particular master and not have to set the trigger up for each individual slide's previous button.
- RonSanCommunity Member
Thanks Ashley. I could write the trigger in the Master Layout.
However, this wont work when I have enabled Menu because then the user will navigate to questions out of any order.
So I am still looking for a graceful solution.
I think, just like a timer, this is a basic feature of an assessment test (i.e. providing current question number vs total questions).
Its disappointing to learn there is no graceful way to accomplish this.
I noticed that in the question bank each slide is given a number, which i cant change. See the image for Q1.1.
This number is properly generated as I change the sequence of the questions in the bank.
I am assume this number must be stored inside the storyline environment. Can we somehow access this system information?
Hi Ron,
You won't be able to edit the question number, but as you move them around within the question bank they will update.
- RonSanCommunity Member
can i atleast read this number into a variable? i dont want to update it anyways.