Forum Discussion

Community Member
2 years ago

question bank and quizzes not updating

Hello I have this problem with my quizzes,

So In my courses i have some quizzes that are made from question imported from the question bank. My problem is that when i make changes in some questions from the question bank they don't update in my quizzes from my diffenrent courses. So I need to go in the quizz, delete the question and import it again but this seems not logical for me. Is there any solution to my problem ? 


  • Thanks for that feedback, Kavitha! I'll share that with our Product team.

    For now, if the source question bank is modified, those changes aren't reflected until you edit the draw. From the Rise 360 quiz, Click Edit, then click Insert Draw. Preview the quiz, and you should see the updates you made. 

  • I also struggled with this. I had used Draw From Question Bank and assumed the questions were updated because I could see the updated version in the Draw preview. Not the case. Had to delete and recreate as if it were a normal question. Might be worth putting a flag on question pank to note this, 

  • LaurenBuckley's avatar
    Community Member

    I deleted the question bank from my course and then added it again. When re-adding the question bank, I saw two versions of the same question bank. One had an older date, and one had the newer, updated date. I added the newer one to my course and it seemed to work fine. 

  • I am facing this issue as well, any updates made to questions text in the question bank don't reflect in the assessment, that should be resolved to update automatically. 


  • Thank you for that Alyssa, I have done that now. Another feature that would be good is to be able to provide different feedback based on whether a learner passed or failed the assessment. 

    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hi Kavitha! We'll take note of that.

      We are actually tracking a request for the ability to provide custom feedback for a multiple-response question. I'll add your voice to that request and we'll let you know if we make any changes that will help.

  • I had this same issue of the question banks not updating automatically. It is odd in this day and age to have to manually insert the draw every time the question banks are updated. 

  • DavidBarrows's avatar
    Community Member

    I'd like to also add my voice to the chorus - it seems to me the point of a question bank is that you can then "re-use" the question, say if you have the same question in a knowledge check in a lesson, then you re-use the question in the quiz at the end.  With this behavior if the question changes in the question bank (say if you discover a bug, like you've got the wrong correct answer in your question in the question bank and then you want to fix it); now you have to "re-edit" and or "delete and recreate" the question in both the knowledge check and the quiz, in order for the change to propagate.  More intuitive correct behavior in my opinion would be that the question bank is the source of truth, and if you change it there, the changes automatically propagate to all "instances" of that question wherever it's used.  The current behavior means there is no real value in the question bank feature because the changes don't automatically propagate to their "child" instances.