Forum Discussion

LeilaDay's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Quiz needs to complete of profile but we also need pass/fail grade recorded

Hello we have a course/quiz consisting of 60 quiz questions, we need the %pass fail to be recorded in out LMS however we do not want this learning to sit on our users profile therefore the SCORM need to complete irrelevant of the quiz results. 

I have attached our settings. These dont currently work the score initially goes in correctly, however 4/5 hours later the scores update depending on how the user answers the 1st question skewing all the results when we need to report on them. 

Please can you advise how we can fix this issue?


Many thanks 

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    If "the score initially goes in correctly, however 4/5 hours later the scores update," that's not a Storyline issue; that's a problem with your LMS and how it's configured to update learner progress, I think.

    You may also try setting the reporting options to "Passed/Failed" or "Passed/Incomplete" and see whether that affects your LMS behavior.