RISE 360 Knowledge Check Not Loading on Pass/Fail Screen
My SCORM file has a knowledge check at the end with 90% passing. When some users access the SCORM file through the LMS and get to the knowledge check if they fail the knowledge check the quiz pass/fail screen doesn't load all the way keeping some items visibly hidden and sometimes not showing anything all together. Almost like it's not loading.
However, there are a great majority of users who access the SCORM file through the LMS and get through everything fine without this issue.
We've cleared cookies, caches, changed browsers, the whole nine yards, but nothing seems to work. It is also not isolated to one course but a couple that we have published to our LMS. The only thing that seems to work is if we clear the attempts the learner has made on the course and restart them from the beginning.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?