Forum Discussion

GarfieldEarl509's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Quiz/Assessment answered correctly are showing incorrect when learner "Reviews Quiz" answers


I understand this issue has been in discussion as far back as 2014, however, the recommended fix did not work for me (or many others) according to past discussions.

I have a course with a final assessment at the end. The assessment is set up to draw questions from a question bank, and I am using the built-in "Review Quiz" and "Retry Quiz" buttons. Regardless of the number of correct answers the learner has, when the review quiz button is clicked at the completion of the course, ALL questions show as 'answered incorrectly'.

I have tried the recommended setting in the slide properties (setting "Automatically decide" and "Reset to initial state" but that did not work for me.

I'm running the latest version of Storyline 360, and I've updated to make sure I'm up to date. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Hi Garfield!

    Sorry to hear you've hit this snag! I'd be happy to help figure out why the results slide from your Storyline course isn't functioning properly!

    Just to clarify, are you observing this behavior while previewing the course as well as in the published output? Also, are you hosting the course in an LMS or on the Web?

    It would be helpful to take a closer look at the project file you've built out so far. Would you be willing to share a copy of your .story file here in the discussion or privately through a support case? We'll delete it from our system as soon as we're finished!

  • Hi Steven! Thanks for the speedy response!

    A learner reported this issue while taking the course through our LMS (Pinpoint Global). I was also able to recreate the issue from a web version of the SCORM file, as well as from a review link. The SCORM file has been on our LMS for quite some time now (several years) so I'm surprised this is the first time it is being reported. Hard to believe no one tried to review their wrong answers till now.

    As for as sharing the .story file, it would have to be a "last resort" and done privately through a support case, as my company policy is Strict about sharing proprietary information.

    I had 2 of my teammates review the course and course files to see if they could spot anything out of the ordinary, but they could not.

    Anything you may be able to suggest would be greatly appreciated. If need be, I will get special permission to share the .story file with you privately.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Also, I've added screen shots of the results slide showing 100% of the answers are correct, one of the review quiz screens showing the answer as incorrect, and a slide properties screen shot showing the revisit setting set to Automatically decide. I've tried all three setting with the same result.

  • Hello Garfield,

    Thanks so much for following up and sending screenshots! I'm sorry to hear that you ran into this snag. Happy to help!

    We recommend testing the behavior of your course in SCORM Cloud to see if you are experiencing the same behavior. Here's how to get started: 

    Please let us know your findings! If you are still seeing this issue, feel free to share your project file privately with our support engineers to investigate what’s happening. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!