Forum Discussion

JacobHenry-c36f's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Reach 360 certificates displaying despite being sett to 'off'

I've built 2 courses, 1 in Rise 360 and 1 in Storyline, then published to Reach 360. I have then put both courses into a learning pathway. Certificates are set to off for the 2 courses and on for completing the pathway. However on completing either of the 2 courses a certificate becomes available to download. A third certificate is available to download on completing the Pathway... is this a bug? How can i disable certificates for the courses? I've attached a screenshot showing where I have set certificate to ''off' form the course.

  • Hi Jacob, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out! I see that you've opened a case and you're working with my colleague Lea. You're in great hands! 

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

    Have a wonderful weekend!