Forum Discussion

MikeAnderson-27's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Results Slide WILL NOT LOAD!

I'm working on Storyline 360 (updated today) and am having trouble getting a results slide to load. I have created a quiz with various free form questions but the the results slide will not load. It gets stuck on the final question with three dots appearing as if it is having trouble loading, and will not allow the user to navigate forwards or backwards. This happens almost every time I create a quiz now... I've reloaded Storyline, I've tried it with a single question and still have the problem.

7 Replies

  • The most common problem I've seen with Results slides happen when someone re-uses a Results slide (that is, copies-and-pastes one, duplicates one, or imports one). Because it relies on built-in variables, every Results slide should be inserted as a new slide. 

    If you're not trying to re-use a Results slide, then you've got what's politely called "unexpected behavior." I suggest you submit a case directly to the Articulate staff. You can do that here:

  • Fixed - Thank you Articulate Support 

    Solution: Rename the variable
    1) Select the Results slide
    2) Open Quiz Settings
    3) Change the 'Name' field value to anything else
    4) Close Settings
    5) Test

    I'm not sure why this happened on a newly inserted Content Library - Results Slide, but it's fixed. 

    Thanks for the replies!!


  • Would you mind uploading the screenshot of your result slide settings and built-in quiz variable name (ex. QuizXScorePercent) associated with the quiz?

  • Great call opening a support case, Mike! I'm glad my colleague Dexter was able to help you in your case. 

    Thanks for sharing the solution in this thread. I'm sure it will be helpful to other folks who come across this post!

    Have a wonderful weekend! 

  • Hi, I'm having this same issue but none of the above methods are working. Would appreciate another fix! :)

    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi Mollie,

      Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue!

      I'd like to take a closer look at your file. You can upload it here or privately in a support case and we'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.