Forum Discussion
4 Replies
Hello Kay,
Happy to help!
it sounds like you're looking for a way to review only questions that a learner got incorrect, as well as allow them to retake only incorrect questions. Both of these can be set in the Results Slide of your course. Here's how:
1. To review only incorrect questions, edit the 'Review results' trigger and enable this option.
2. To reset only the incorrectly answered questions in a quiz, modify the 'Reset results' trigger and enable this option.
Let me know if this works for you!
- KayGrantCommunity Member
This is so helpful!! Thank you! Do you know if there's a way to have the learner review only slides/content from the test questions they missed?
Hi Kay!
Glad to see Joe has been helping you out! Happy to jump in here!
It sounds like you want to give a learner the option to review a content slide that precedes a quiz slide. Great question! This can achieved by modifying the Trigger from the Failure layer on the Quiz Results slide.
- Set the trigger: to Jump to slide > Slide 1.1 (containing the content).
- Then set the: When the user clicks > Object, Button 1 (Review Quiz).
- Here's a quick screen recording walking you through that process!
I've also attached a sample .story file for your reference. Please let me know if you have any more questions!
- KayGrantCommunity Member
Thank you, Steven! Do you know if the learner missed questions 2, 7, and 11 on a 15 question test for example, is there a to have them review the content slides associated with just those questions? Is there a question I can set on question 2 for example, that if they fail that question, they have to view slide 24 and then retake the test?