Forum Discussion

JaquelineKelly's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Review Mode showing feedback layer on question.

Hello, when someone clicks on Review Quiz from the feedback slide it is showing the feedback as well (on select slides only). I have compared the question slides to the ones that behave correctly and see no difference. Please advise.

  • Hi Jaqueline!

    I'd love to help you troubleshoot this!

    It sounds like changing the Feedback setting for the quiz questions might solve the problem! Can you make sure the Feedback is set to 'By Question' for your slides?

    You can check this by selecting the question slide itself, then navigating to the Question Tools/Design tab:

    If that doesn't do the trick, do you mind sharing your .story file? You can either attach it to your reply by using the Add Attachment button, or you can upload it privately using this link. We’ll delete it from our system when we finish troubleshooting!


  • Thanks. That wasn't it. As I was getting ready to send you the file, I found the culprit. It was the order in which the triggers were executing. On the ones that weren't working right, it was set to "jump" before it could "hide" the layer, which is what caused for the feedback layers to still be visible when someone went to "review quiz." 


    Hopefully, this will be helpful for someone else.

  • Hi Jaqueline,

    I'm so glad to hear you solved the issue and thank you for updating this thread with your findings!