Forum Discussion
Rise - change size of headers and lesson titles
Some quality hacking going on right there! :)
Thanks - but I wouldn't call it hacking. Articulate Rise is a great product, but it suffers from the same simplicity that makes it so great. Fortunately you can tweak just about everything from that main stylesheet (CSS).
I wonder if there's a market for Articulate Rise customizations. It would be neat to put together a bunch of power tricks to address some of the more frustrating elements of the software from a designer's perspective.
I would totally like to work on that with you!
Awesome Karin! The real power trick would be to find a way to gather learning analytics from Rise content for public content published to the web outside of an LMS.
Now that I'm starting to do more of my professional work inside Rise, I'll be sure to start documenting some of my other 'hacks' as I come up with new workarounds.