Forum Discussion

OmkarPardeshi's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise - Page visit and completion

Can we provide learners with two options (buttons) in 1 screen and user can decide way forward by selecting one (either screen 1 or screen 2, they will be visiting any one screen and it needs to be marked completed), however the course will be force gate at same time.
Can this be done in Rise? and will the course completion work correctly?


  • Hi there, Omkar!

    You'll want to decide how you're tracking completion. If it's by percentage of the course viewed, account for the lessons that may be skipped and don't set completion at 100%. 

    If you want to further lock down completion, you can have a Continue button that requires completion under an interactive block in the lessons in either path to make sure learners are viewing all of the required lessons.

    Let us know what you come up with!