Forum Discussion

MarieCorral-d97's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise lesson jumps to bottom block

I have a Rise lesson with 4 blocks in it: paragraph, embedded webpage (with iframe), paragraph with heading, and embedded pdf (iframe generated by sharepoint). When the learner continues on from one lesson to the next, the lesson scrolls down and defaults to the last block in the lesson (embedded iframe generated by sharepoint), skipping the other 3 blocks. How can I prevent this without using "continue" blocks, as that wouldn't make sense for this lesson?

In troubleshooting, I've discovered: if the embedded file is displayed as "small" it is fine, but if it is displayed as "medium" or "full screen" it jumps to the bottom.

  • Hi Libby,

    Sorry to hear you're running into this issue with your Rise courses. We're still looking into this bug with the course immediately jumping to a Rise embed block with Sharepoint content.

    Is your Microsoft Form embedded in Sharepoint? If not, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine whether the behavior is a new issue or part of the existing one? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you!

  • Hi there, Marie! I'm sorry that's happening. I've shared this behavior with the team, and I'll circle back here once we have a fix in place.

    Thanks for that extra detail about the block width -- that workaround will surely help folks who find this discussion! I can understand why you don't want to be limited to small, though.

  • Hello, I have the same issue for our 50 or so compliance courses that have a MS forms feedback survey embedded. Did you find a satisfactory solution?

  • I am not sure what you mean by embedded in SharePoint. It is a direct link to the Microsoft form, though that form has been created using an enterprise license via SharePoint. I logged a case just to be sure.

  • Hi Libby, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    No worries, I believe Eric was asking if you were utilizing the Sharepoint Embedded feature. Great call opening a support case! I see that you are working with my colleague Jan. They will be in touch with you shortly. You're in excellent hands! 

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

    Have a great start to your day! 

  • Hello all, I have a theory that this issue is causing noncompletion issues in our LMS. Because the iFrames are causing learners to jump ahead, the SCORMs are not registering as complete (even when we have used divider blocks immediately before and after). I have implemented all the the workarounds advised by articulate and our LMS vendor (including a feature called 'auto commit') and it is still occurring. I am averaging 3-5 of these issues being reported to me each week (which will not represent the total size of the issue, as many won't bother contacting us). I will continue to investigate this and add my findings here. When I impersonate users experiencing this, the Rise course lesson will always be outstanding if there is an embedded survey, even though navigation is restricted.