Forum Discussion

JacobHenry-c36f's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Saving in progress Essay Questions

I need to create a quiz in Storyline or Quizmaker with a single essay question which will be published on Reach360. I want users progress to be saved so if, for example, they write 200 words, then shut the quiz and come back to it the next day, they will be able to continue where they left off. Unfortunately I can't work out how to do this... anybody know what I need to do? Thanks

  • Whenever you insert a text-entry field, including via adding a survey question, Storyline automatically creates a variable to hold the entry. The variable is updated when the field "loses focus" (in other words, when the user clicks something outside the field). 

    When a user exits a course that's in an LMS (such as Reach 360), the variable values are stored in the LMS as part of the suspend/resume data.

    However, as I understand it, a variable's value is updated in that data when the user goes to another slide (as is some other slide-related data). Thus, if they enter their text, click outside the field, and then exit the course from that slide, the updated variable value may not be saved. 

    The workaround is to add a button (for example, call it "Save your entry") that jumps to another slide.I've also seen posts that say lightboxing another slide works, too. That slide could show whatever message you want. Or it could immediately exit the course. 

    BTW, if you want the answer submitted to the LMS, use a Survey essay question and include a Survey Results slide.

    Also, I suggest you set the Player to "Always Resume," so the user will restart the course from where they left off.