Forum Discussion

BrendtWaters's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Scrolling panel - scroll bar format

The scroll bar in a scrolling panel looks "classic" (the way that scroll bars have looked for decades) in the StoryLine file -- a wide bar and up/down arrows at the top/bottom to further indicate "scroll here" (see attached insl.jpg).

But when I preview or publish it, the scroll bar morphs into this skinny thing with no up/down arrows at the top/bottom (see attached prepub.jpg).

It's not a classic template vs modern template thing. And in fact, the previewed/published version used to look the same (this may have been in SL3 rather than SL360). This seems like it's just a violation of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

A large chunk of my student base is elderly, technophobic, or both. Is there a way to format the scroll bar to the "classic" way that is (1) more familiar to them and (2) easier to manipulate?