Forum Discussion

SabinaSariys369's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Seamless or Pageless Storyline scroll?

I've been wondering if it's possible to create a Storyline experience that is not bound by the page format, but rather stiches the pages together as desired to create a seamless experience. I know it's possible in Rise, but how can it be achieved in Storyline?



  • Sabina Sariyska

    I've been wondering if it's possible to create a Storyline experience that is not bound by the page format, but rather stiches the pages together as desired to create a seamless experience. I know it's possible in Rise, but how can it be achieved in Storyline? HealthCareGov




    While Articulate Storyline doesn’t inherently offer the same seamless scrolling experience as Rise, you can still create a more fluid and continuous user experience. Here are some ideas to achieve a seamless feel within Storyline:

    Slide Transitions:
    Use slide transitions to create a sense of continuity between slides.
    For example, fade out the current slide while simultaneously fading in the next one.
    Adjust the transition speed to make it feel seamless.
    Custom Navigation:
    Instead of relying solely on the default navigation buttons, design custom navigation elements.
    Create buttons or hotspots that allow users to move forward, backward, or jump to specific sections.
    These custom elements can blend seamlessly with your content.
    Layered Content:
    Utilize layers within a single slide to present additional information or interactions.
    Users can reveal layers by clicking on objects or buttons.
    This approach keeps users engaged without switching to a new slide.
    Scrolling Panels:
    Create scrolling panels within a slide.
    Place content (text, images, interactions) inside these panels.
    Users can scroll vertically or horizontally to explore the content.
    Parallax Effects:
    Add subtle parallax effects to create depth and movement.
    For instance, as users scroll down, background images can move at a different speed than foreground elements.
    Storyline Variables and Triggers:
    Use variables and triggers to control content visibility.
    Show or hide elements based on user interactions or progress.
    This dynamic approach can make the experience feel continuous.
    Smooth Animations:
    Apply animations to objects (entrance, exit, motion paths).
    Smooth animations can bridge the gap between different content sections.
    Remember that while Storyline doesn’t have the same inherent scrolling behavior as Rise, you can combine these techniques to create a more seamless and engaging learning experience.

    Hope this will help you.
    Best regards,

  • you could also use javascript to work out where you are in the scroll panel and fire off animations

  • Using GSAP and Scrolltrigger and ScrollTo plugins this for sure is possible.
    As seen here...
    and in this post....
    As mentioned NRZMalik has a custom solution for it.

    He mentioned a tutorial on this coming up. Biggest issue however remains Storyline's limitations. All these are just users bending those.