Forum Discussion

PeteBrown-651d6's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Sharing Rise Question Banks With EXTERNAL Teams

Hi group

If I created a Rise course as part of a team subscription (let's call it Team A's subscription), I think I'm right in saying that I could share the course with another external team (let's call them Team B) either by inviting a Team B member to be a collaborator or by Sending a copy to a Team B member. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that point.

My main question, however, is about sharing any Question Banks that the Rise course might rely on. I can't see any way of getting the Question Banks from my Team A subscription into Team B's.

So, if I were to create a Rise course that contained Question Bank questions as a Team A member, but I did it as a favour to Team B, I could give them ownership of the course but not the course's Question Banks. Is that correct?

Thanks for any insight you can provide. 


  • That is the way it works at the moment, there should be a way to share the banks but not there yet it seems.

  • Mmmm. Maybe I'll try to use one of Team B's licences for the whole build and save a lot of trouble done the track. 

    Thanks for the confirmation, Phil.

  • Any update on this?  I am facing the same issue but cannot use the license of the other team...

  • #Mariane, I took a peek and it looks like nothing's changed at this time. Sadly, I can't see that you can even print the questions out to manually transpose them or even do a bulk import.

    One option to share the questions might be to put the questions into a Storyline project and then insert that Storyline question 'chunk' into the Rise course as a Storyline block. I THINK (?) that if you then shared the Rise project with the other team that the Storyline element (i.e., the questions) would go across with it?

    If you give it a go, it'd be interesting to hear the outcome.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      A Storyline quiz inserted into Rise as a block, does not allow you to edit the questions, as a Storyline block is not editable in Rise.

      • PeteBrown-651d6's avatar
        Community Member

        That is true, but the source Storyline could be shared with (i.e., given/emailed to etc) the second team and edited and easily re-inserted into the Rise block if necessary - assuming that the sharing would work as I suspect it would.

        It'd be less than ideal, but perhaps better than the no option currently available natively in Rise. Especially if we're talking about a lot of questions that might have to be manually transposed into the second team's question bank.

        Anyway, just an option to consider.

  • Thank you everyone. Since the list isn't too long, I'll recreate them. It's unfortunate that this still isn't included in the sharing options as well as the storyline features.


  • Hi everyone, I just wanted to add an additional voice to this discussion. I'd also appreciate if Articulate would make it possible to send question banks to other accounts. 

    Right now, I'm not able to send my customer "their" questions. I didn't realize that this would be an issue as sending rise courses is super easy. I just assumed I could do the same with the question banks.

  • BillLarocque's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm assuming this is still an issue. I can't believe you can't share this with a client... So I guess the only option is to send the Client the course you have created - then get them to re-create the question pools in their account? 

  • PlusPortCT's avatar
    Community Member

    Please Articulate, give us the option to send a Question Bank to another account!
    I'm not really looking forward to copy 126 questions & answers to this other account of my client :(

    An import option (excel?) would be awesome aswell.

    • TerraCotta's avatar
      Community Member

      I agree with you. If we can't do it on client side, maybe Articulate Support can do it on their end? I hope admin from Articulate can clarify. Thanks