Forum Discussion
Show and hide seekbar in a slide: Is it possible?
On a single slide, I have:
- Layers that ask the learner to read and/or interact, then click a button to move to another part of the slide (no seekbar needed).
- Layers that present audio, appearing/disappearing objects, and other stuff typical of a lecture slide (seekbar needed).
The question is, is it possible to hide the seekbar while some layers are showing, and to show the seekbar while other layers are showing?
My tests so far make me think the answer might be "no" in Storyline 2, but I wanted to field the question to the community.
Hi Greg,
There is not currently an option to disable the seekbar on a layer basis but you could remove it on a slide basis, so maybe instead of using a layer you want to look at linking to another slide?
- GregFaustCommunity Member
Thanks for the quick response. Now that I know it can't be done, I can work on implementing a workaround.
Separate slides are a possibility. If I go that route, I'll probably learn a lot about the finer details of navigation triggers.
Glad I could point you in the right direction Greg and feel free to let us know how it goes with your workaround.
- AndrewBaloga-ceCommunity Member
Hello, Greg.
To hide the seekbar on individual layers, insert a trigger to execute JavaScript and enter this single line of code:
You will need to enter the same code, but change .hide(); to .show(); on layers, including the base layer, where you want the seekbar to display.
Please note this works only with HTML5 output, not Flash.
- AndrewBaloga-ceCommunity Member
That's odd. My comment was automatically reported.
- OnodaSakamichiCommunity Member
To hide the seekbar on individual layers, insert a trigger to execute JavaScript and enter this single line of code:
You will need to enter the same code, but change .hide(); to .show(); on layers, including the base layer, where you want the seekbar to display.
$('div.controls-group.control-bar.cs-seekcontrol.progress-control').show();Please note this works only with HTML5 output, not Flash.
- ManpreetVerma-dCommunity Member
Has anyone implemented this piece of code..doesnot work for me..
- ScottMoellerCommunity Member
The execute Java script hide didn't work for me either. Anyway to get you to explain further or add step by step?
- EllenCarnahanCommunity Member
I've used this code with success on layers, but it doesn't seem to be working for me on the base layer...