Forum Discussion

SnehaMhatre-d79's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

SL Timeline Trigger not working for RISE

Hi there, 

We are building a course in RISE. We have mandatory videos that need to be viewed in full by the learners. 

As RISE doesnt have the video gating possibility, we are building the video block within SL using the timeline reaches.... trigger (screenshot attached) 

Within RISE, we have added a Continue button (complete the block directly above the setting) below this SL block. 

The idea is that the video trigger of the SL block is set to complete as the timeline reaches the desired time, which should release the continue button in RISE. 

However, these triggers are not working as expected. For some videos, the video trigger is not released even after the time line has elapsed or the video has finished playing. 

Kindly suggest. 


  • Hi Sneha,

    Happy to help!

    I tested the functionality on my end and can confirm that it works as expected. Here's a sample Rise 360 course with a video that is set to enable the 'Continue' block when the timeline reaches 5 seconds. 

    You'll want to make sure that you are tracking your Storyline 360 course using the 'Complete Course' trigger when publishing it to Review 360. 

    Here's more information on using Storyline 360 projects to trigger Continue blocks in Rise 360.

    If the setting in the screenshot is what you used when publishing your Storyline 360 course, please open a case with our support team here so we can test your Rise 360 course to see what's happening.


  • Thank you for your quick help. We have similar settings in our SL/RISE block. Surprisingly, we have observed that once publishing and uploading as a SCORM, the trigger response is inconsistent. At times, we have to watch the video twice for the trigger to release, or it is not release even after watching the video multiple times. I have raised a case, hoping for a solution. 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Sneha!

      Glad to see my teammate Joe has been helping you!

      Smart move on opening a support case as well! I see that your case is being handled by my colleague Johnrey. It looks like Johnrey is currently reviewing your files and should be following up with you shortly.

      We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.