Forum Discussion

NAC's avatar
Community Member
13 days ago

Slide Layer Playing Incorrectly When Revisiting Base Layer

Hello Everyone,

I am a beginner user with Storyline and can not determine how to fix this problem I am encountering.  My guess it's relatively easy, but I have searched and can't seem to find the right solution.


Base layer automatically plays with audio/animations.

I have one slide layer (Department Verification) that plays based upon triggers within the timeline.  

See Below:

The base layer audio/animation ends with two buttons appearing.  They come with triggers that go to separate new base layer slides (not slide layers) if chosen by user. 

See below:

If the user chooses to view the new base layer slides via the buttons, and returns to this base layer shown above, the base layer ALWAYS plays the slide layer first (Department verification).

I do not want this to happen.  I desire for it to resume where the user left, which should always be at the end of the base layer audio/animation timelines or similar, NOT the slide layer (Department verification).

I have tried every option available for the base layer:  Resume saved state, Reset to initial state, Automatically decide.  It always plays the slide layer first (Department verification) upon return to the base layer.

See below:

I have also tried every option for the slide layer first (Department verification):  Resume saved state, Reset to initial state, Automatically decide.  It always plays the slide layer first (Department verification) upon return to the base layer.

**I have also changed the slide layer behavior from Layer to Dialog, and it is still the same result.**

See below:

What am I doing wrong?  Do I have to create another Trigger/Variable etc.?  Is not the purpose of the "When revisiting" options for the base or slide layers to ease this functionality versus creating complex trigger/variable/conditions for this?


Thank you.

  • Hello NAC,

    Welcome to Storyline authoring! I appreciate you sharing a detailed description of your experience and the accompanying screenshots.

    Based on what I understand, it looks like Storyline is executing the "Show layer" trigger when it jumps back to the slide. Can you add the following trigger to the base layer and see if it helps? 

    • "Hide layer (Department verification) when the timeline starts"


    If the issue persists, it would be helpful to see the Storyline project file so we can better assist you. Would you be willing to share it in this discussion so we can look at what you have set up? You may also share it privately by sending it along in a support case. We'll delete it when we're done testing.