Forum Discussion

BridgetDonofrio's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Slide Layers Panel Missing But Triggers Panel is There

Am I losing my mind, or just my slide layer panel?? It seems to be missing from all of my projects. I found the solution for the problem of BOTH the Slide Layer and Triggers Panel missing, but in my situation, the Trigger panel is there, but the slide layer panel (and any kind of button to expand it) is missing. HELP!

  • Actually, I just answered my own question. I don't know what prompted the Slide Layer panel to disappear (along with the "States" section between "Timeline and "Notes") but the magic "Re-Dock All Windows" button just solved the problem.

  • BreanneMyers's avatar
    Community Member

    THANK YOU! I had my triggers panel, but my layer interface had disappeared mysteriously. For a while there I was trying to hook onto the edge and get the arrow to appear to drag it back, but then I realized that was for when people have both triggers and the layer interface disappear. I am on a tight deadline and nearly done with my project, too, so VERY glad I found this!

  • BreanneMyers's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks very much! I found a couple things there that I had never paid much attention to before.

  • Hello Eugenia and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

    You can find the instructions for re-docking here and here's a quick image:

    • IrGet's avatar
      Community Member

      This helped me in 2023 😊😄 thanks

  • BinitaSahai's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks, by clicking "Redock All Windows" icon, Layer Panel became visible.

  • I am having the same problem, my triggers panel is available, but the layers is not. I have tried grabbing the application from the right and i have used the redock all windows button. Neither have worked- any thoughts?