Forum Discussion

NancyHampson's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Sliding doors outwards help please!


I'm trying to figure out how I can have two rectangles of equal size slide outwards to reveal something underneath on a slide. I know I've seen it done but I can't seem to get it to work no matter how I mess with it.  HELP please :-)


Nancy H


  • AaronPross's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Nancy,

    Where are you getting stuck?  You should be able to add a motion Path to both rectangles. From there, trigger them to both move at a specific time.  Have the object underneath, layered below the two rectangles. 


  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Yeah, Aaron has got that one spot on.

    I would just add a bit of an idea - I would definitely put my "doors" on a seperate layer from the main slide. That way, everything for the doors, including the animation of the motion paths and all triggers, are self contained within their own layer, and wont add unnecessary complexity to your base layer and other content. :)

  • If it's just a slide opener, you could simply use the "Wipe From Left" and "Wipe From Right" exit animations applied to both rectangles. Although, for ease of animation, using motion paths could be a better option.