Forum Discussion

ChristopherVost's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Special Characters not showing in SCORM Interaction responses

I'm trying to send in SCORM Interaction data for a course that is translated. The interaction description comes through just fine, but the learner_response and correct_response values have all the accented/special characters replaced with underscores. Any thoughts on how to correct this? 

Here is a snip from the SCORM Cloud Log:

[18:38:01.096] GetValue('cmi.interactions._count') returned '12' in 0 seconds
[18:38:01.096] GetLastError() returned '0' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('', 'Scene3_QuestionDraw121_Slide2_MultiChoice_0_0') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.type', 'choice') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.learner_response', '_____') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.result', 'incorrect') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.correct_responses.0.pattern', '_______') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.description', 'ما هي البلد التي تستهدفها معظم طلبات المقاطعة عادةً؟') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.weighting', '1') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('cmi.interactions.12.latency', 'PT39.44S') returned 'true' in 0 seconds
+ [18:38:01.096] SetValue('', 'AIG Sanctions Test Out ARB HBR') returned 'false' in 0 seconds

  • Hi OrvinCastanha

    Thanks for reaching out! Our team has identified a bug where special characters are not showing up in LMS response reports. 

    We'll be sure to update this thread with any future updates so that you are in the loop. 

    Have a great start to your week! 


  • OrvinCastanha's avatar
    Community Member

    We are experiencing the same issue. The interaction description comes through correctly, but the learner_response and correct_response values have all the accented or special characters replaced with underscores. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

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  • For scorm2004: There is a variable in the /lsm/scormdriver.js called USE_LEGACY_IDENTIFIERS_FOR_2004 with the default value true. Changing this to false will encode the string as a URI as per definition in the scorm standard

    This can be done inside the storyline file like this: Create a trigger executing the following javascript somewhere at the start of the course:


  • I just checked the API.js call to RecordMultipleChoiceInteraction and the response value is coming in as all "_" values for Arabic. I'm going to try update 21 to see if it's fixed there. Do you know the update number that the fix was in? I can test that one as well to see if somehow the issue got reintroduced, or if this is a completely different issue. 

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi Chris.  Thanks for following up!  Prior to update 10, when an answer choice included characters that aren't supported by an LMS standard (e.g., SCORM 1.2), an LMS may display "Undefined" for the answer choice in reports and log files. Or, an LMS may simply show a blank where the answer choice should be.

      Our update changed the way those "invalid" characters were reported, but it isn't consistent with what you're seeing.  Can you share your LMS debug logs with our team?  I'd like to be able to explore the inconsistency between the interaction description and the answer choice text that you're seeing.

      Here's how to enable debug logs.  You can add the resulting file as an attachment here, and reference this conversation.  Let me know when you've done that, and I can follow along with the case as well.  Thanks for bringing it up, Chris!

  • Hi there, Chris.  We previously had an issue with special characters in the answer choices showing as undefined in the SCORM logs.  We released an earlier update that addressed this issue. 

    It looks like you are currently on update 20, which should include the fix.  Do you know if this course was republished recently?  Let me know so we can make sure we didn't resurrect this squashed bug!