Forum Discussion

CandiceBoult-b4's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Story View submit paths



I'm creating an interactive piece of eLearning using Storyline where the user is given a scenario, each slide has multiple options and depending on which option the user picks depends on which slide they get taken to. The further into the project I go the more confusing all the paths are becoming.


All of the slides are set as questions so I can track answers in 2004 format on the LMS. 


The problem I'm having is that when I am in story view, when I click on a slide I can see arrows pointing to each of the slides that the user can go to. It also points to the next slide in numerical order even if I have nothing linking the slides together. I have disabled the submit button on the slide but it still shows the arrow to the next slide.


I know this sounds like a small problem but the project is getting very big and the submit arrow is confusing matters even more. How can I stop it showing in storyview?


I've attached a picture to help explain what I mean. Slide 2.2 has 2 arrows going to it, one of them is from the button that the user has picked and the other is from a submit that is disabled.



  • Hi Candice, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    The arrows connecting slides in story view are there to show how slides or elements on the slide are connected to one another. You may also want to look at layers on that slide as that may be where the trigger exists.

    If you're still unsure why that arrow remains after finding no appropriate triggers, I'd like to share a few troubleshooting questions so that I can understand your setup better: 

    1. Could you please confirm-are you working and saving your project files locally

    2. Have you tried a repair of Storyline as detailed here.

    If the repair doesn't seem to do the trick, I'd love to take a closer at your .story file. Feel free to upload your file to this thread or privately in a support case.

    Looking forward to hearing from you! ✨

  • Hi Luciana,

    Thanks for getting back to me.


    I have no layers for the slides and can not see any triggers that say go to next slide.

    I am working and saving my project on my PC hard drive. The file has not been moved to any other location.

    I have just tried uninstalling and reinstalling storyline and still have the same issue.

    I have opened a support case (number 03689553) with the file attached.

    Thank you

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Candice!

      Thanks for sharing the feedback!

      Great call on opening a support case! I see my colleague Lianne has picked it up and is performing some tests with your file. You're in excellent hands working one on one with her!

      We'll continue this conversation over in your support case.