Storyline 360 - References and Variables
Question: If a reference value is changed towards the end of a presentation and the user navigates to the beginning of the presentation to review specific content, does the current reference value follow them and would now be applied to any previous trigger linked to that reference?
What I am trying to do is make a button visible only after the user has viewed the full presentation and has chosen to go back and review a specific section(s). The button (when visible) would then give the user the option to jump to the end of the presentation to complete the training and not have to view the full presentation again.
I set up a numeric reference with a starting value of 0 (zero)
I then created a button with trigger at the end of the presentation that adds a value of 1 to the reference when the button is clicked. That button also takes the user back to the beginning of the presentation.
At the beginning of the presentation, I created button and set a trigger to initially hide it at the start of the timeline. I then created an additional trigger to show the button when the reference value is equal to or > than 1.
What am I missing? Is there an easier way to accomplish this?