Forum Discussion
3 years agoCommunity Member
Storyline 360 Quiz freezes on Previous
I have knowledge checks (quizzes) throughout a long elearning class. I find that if the user completes a quiz then click previous, it will often freeze when the user goes next. This happens on preview and in the published version in the LMS. Do you have any advice? Thanks.
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Hi Linda,
Thank you for reaching out!
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing an issue with your quiz freezing. I'd like to ask you a few clarifying questions to help me troubleshoot:
- Are you working from your local hard drive? Unexpected behavior can happen if there is a corrupt element on your slide. Have you tried importing the slides into a new Storyline file?
- Is this happening every time the user clicks previous?
- Do you know which version of Storyline you're using? We are currently on Build 3.64.27845.0. You can try to repair your software.
If you need further assistance, we’ll be happy to take a look at your project here or privately through a support case!