Forum Discussion

AnthonyWatson-2's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Previous Player Button

Hello AS community,

I have a built a course using the classic player.

Pretty straight forward navigation and logic built into this one but for some reason, the PREV player button seems to appear in a state of Inactive when I preview the course, slide or Scene. The NEXT player button works OK so I am baffled as to whats going on here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Source file attached.

Thank you.

  • Anthony,

    Check your menu settings. It looks like you have it set to locked. This means learners will only view slides in the order you designed. they can't jump ahead, skip over slides, or go back to any previously viewed slides.  Try setting it to restricted. This will allow them to visit the previously viewed slides.

    Richard Watson 



  • Hi Richard,

    Thanks for dropping the penny for me on this one.

    That's exactly what I wanted.

    Have a great day.