Forum Discussion
I had this issue several months ago and it nearly derailed electronic assessments in a program. I opened a ticket and after several weeks they were able to recreate the issue but no resolution came from it.
Similar to what Ren mentioned above, we believed that "rapid tapping" or "clicking" when reviewing, prior to submitting, was the culprit.
To solve this issue, we delayed navigation by 1 second to keep the user from rapidly tapping/clicking. This has worked really well for us and we've have over 50,000(!!!) assessment completions with ZERO glitches.
Here are the basics:
- Our Learners are mobile-first so we develop for an iPhone 7 Plus screen. We use the built-in quiz feature but to optimize screen space we have never used the built-in player and opted to use our own with custom navigation, custom feedback, etc.
- We placed the PREV and NEXT buttons on their own slide layer and added a delay of 1 second. This has been enough to slow down the user's navigation when reviewing so the answer can be recorded.
I've attached a copy of our quiz template to this post.