Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 users: What are your localization pain points?
The biggest pain point I have encountered was when I exported the xliff from 20 RIse courses, and then sent them away to be translated.
In the meantime I had created 6 copies of each course, one for each language variant, ready to update with the transalted xliff files.
Unfortunately, when I tried to import the xliff files back in to each course, it became evident that this wasn't possible. Instead I should have created my duplicate courses first, then exported each individual xliff file from them. So instead of generating 20 xliff files, that would have required me to generate 120, which seemed like unecessary work.
The work around I had to use was a major headache, as I had to start with my English version, then import a new language xliff in to it, before creating a dupliacte course to save the updates. I then had to return to my English version for each and every module/language, which cost me an awful lot of time that I hadn't factored in to my costs.
On reflection, the documentation made clear the process I should have followed, but my original method seemed so logical to me that I didn't consider that it wouldn't work.
If I was to change one thing in that process, it would be to allow me to export a single xliff per course, then have it be compatible for import back in to copies of the original.