Forum Discussion
Storyline and SharePoint 365
Hi there, I've found MS Teams is much easier than Sharepoint, as you don't need to fiddle around with conversion of HTML to ASPX.
So far, I've only used the hyperlink to the Articulate hosted files. However, theoretically, it would be possible host all the files internally in one-drive. The ways I have tried so far;
1. Click 'Format' in a post, then insert hyperlinks - this would be your best option
2. Insert Hyperlinks into Tasks of a planner board - I've used this for On-boarding, so we know when they've completed the e-learning part of their induction
3. Pasted Hyperlinks in a Wiki tab - Wiki tabs seem to have fallen out of favour, but it was good to have a dedicated tab for people to go to for all e-learning links
Hi Toby, in which format did you export the Storyline to MS Teams? Does MS Teams work with html5?