Forum Discussion

SebastienGre424's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Storyline and SharePoint 365


In our company we use the very last version of SharePoint 365. I would like to use it to publish some course made with Storyline.

After many, many tests, and after viewing many posts on this forum regarding this point, I don't find any help on this subject.

Does anyone succeed in that point ?

Thank you.

  • Hi Maria, 

    Thank you for the link. I tested it, but all was OK in our side, and nothing change...

    Do you think you might have any other solution ? 


  • Hi, Sébastien.

    While I don't have another suggestion, I'm hopeful others in the community who work with SharePoint can offer you some additional ideas to try!

  • Hello, 

    For your information, I tried with a simple HTML page with a <script>...</script> tags inside. And the HTML part works the part inside the <script> tags : not at all. 

    I try some options but nothing change... 

    In case : have you any idea ? I tried also in a sharepoint of another compagny and they have the same problem. 

    thank's a lot ! 

    • DeanReed's avatar
      Community Member


      I tried many things a couple of years ago without any success. My next step
      was to have our IT group set up an HTTP server within the company's network
      so we wouldn't have any security issues and create the necessary links from
      SharePoint to the course's HTML files. I never had a chance to finish the
      project. Since SharePoint is not scorm compliant, you would have to publish
      for the web.

      Also, has anyone tried LMS365? You can find it on Microsoft's appsource
      site. It looks like it's been out for a while, but I've never heard anyone
      mention it. I have not had a chance to explore it further. Here's the link:

  • KenGano's avatar
    Community Member

    In order to publish to SharePoint Online the following must be done:

    • The SharePoint site must be set up to allow scripts.
    • The .html files must be renamed to .aspx
    • The files that reference the .html files must be edited so that the renamed files can be found.

    I was able to successfully publish a simple Storyline Articulate v3.18 story to SharePoint Online using these steps:

    1. Used the directions here to set the SharePoint Online site to allow scripts.  (This is the English version of page that Sebastien shared in his previous post.)
    2. Renamed story.html to story.aspx and anayltics-frame.html to analytics-frame.aspx
    3. The bootstrapper.min.js file references the analytics-frame.html file, so I edited the file and replaced e.src="analytics-frame.html#" with e.src="analytics-frame.aspx#"   This only occurred once in the file.

    In SharePoint, scripts are disabled by default for security reasons.  The article gives multiple options for enabling scripts.  Rather than allow scripts to be run in all user created SharePoint sites in my tenant, I opted to use the directions in the section - "To allow custom script on other SharePoint sites to grant access just to one SharePoint site that will be hosting my Storyline content.

    When testing, I suggest that you put both the .html and .aspx files in SharePoint.  When I was testing, I first only renamed the story.html file to story.aspx and didn't rename the analytics-frame.html file.  When I opened the story.aspx file in SharePoint and started going through my "story", the analytics-frame.html file was downloaded.  This alerted me to the fact that it was being referenced.  I then had to search the contents of the .js files until I found the one that was referencing it.  If the analytics-frame.html file had not been uploaded to SharePoint, then the file wouldn't have downloaded and I wouldn't have known that it was being referenced in the bootstrapper.min.js file.  

    I don't know if more complicated stories will have more .html files or have additional .js files that will need to be edited, but if during testing an .html file gets downloaded, then it is being referenced from somewhere that would need to be tracked down and edited to reference the .aspx file.