Forum Discussion

ChrisGowland-07's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

StoryLine Course opens on the wrong slide

My project has multiple slides in one scene and when I play it, slide 3 is selected as the first slide. Like this:


I want the slide "Course Intro" to be selected and displayed. I have notices a 'starting scene" button on the Home menu but that appears to only refer to the scene. My Menu outline in the Player settings matches the screen shot above.

Any thoughts welcomed!



  • In the image you provided, the third slide in the Menu is slide 1.1. That is the first slide in the first scene, which is where a course starts. The default order is to advance through slides based on their number in the scene: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. In other words,  a "Jump to next slide" trigger will always go to the slide in the scene with the next highest number. (You can, of course, make the Next button jump to a specific slide by editing the trigger.) 

    Rearranging the slides in the Player Menu doesn't impact the order in which they appear. 

    If you want the "Course Intro" slide to appear first, drag it to the top of the scene, so it will be slide 1.1. You can do that in STORY VIEW or in the Scenes panel. 

  • Thank you Judy. That did it - but I'm having a LOT of trouble reordering the remaining slides. The drag and drop UI refuses to let me drop several of my slides where I try. Always snap back to prior position. I wish there was a non graphical UI option to simply edit a list - unless I'm missing some other order control setting.

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      The drag-and-drop UI for rearranging slides is finicky (to put it politely). You really need to pay attention to when the little arrow appears. That indicates a drop spot. If you release the slide when the arrow is visible, it should move to that location.

      • ChrisGowland-07's avatar
        Community Member

        Thank you - but that is the issue. Following up with Luciana to see if they can help.

  • Hi Chris, 

    Sorry to hear you're running into this snag reordering the slides. 

    If you'd be able to share your .story file in this thread or privately in a support case, we can take a closer look at your setup! 

    Looking forward to hearing from you! 

  • Correct - I'm trying to achieve this order:

    And the problem seems to go back to the drag and drop in the story view not allowing me to move things where I want them to go.

  • perhaps this is better

    start was you original .story file

    i have added chapter number to correct the slides more easy

    the trick is for multiple connectioned slides - NEVER use

    "Jump to next/prev slide"

    use always "Jump to [slide name]" for next/prev button

    then reset the menu, reorder the menu lines (drag&drop is working here) and disable auto numbering

    now you have to modify the slide names in the menu

    hint: "Jump to prev slide"

    • don't mean: jump to the prev slide in the structure
    • it means: jump to the slide where the use was before

    Update: If you want this behaviour (historical back) - change the trigger for back to the original version - the next trigger are the import ones for the structure

  • Thank you so much Jurgen. This works perfectly and now I understand why I was having trouble. I appreciate the help.
