Forum Discussion
Storyline 'Next' button state change not working for about 10% of my learners. Am at a loss.
Hi Mike,
I'm not sure I have an answer for you, but I have looked at a couple of your projects and have a thought.
Your trigger for making the Next button visible appears to be based on when a variable changes. If I am not mistaken, the trigger may never occur (get activated) unless the variable changes on the same layer as the trigger. For example, in your Corkboard project, you have triggers on the base layer to have the Next button become visible when a variable changes, however, the triggers to have the variable change are not on the base layer. Therefore, I am not sure the triggers for the Next button on the base layer are really doing anything, because they only trigger when the variable changes and the variable does not change on the base layer.
I would recommend trying to change the triggers to something else, such as "Make the Next button visible when the timeline starts on this layer (as opposed to when a variable changes), if the following variables are true, 1, 2, 3, etc. This might make the Next button visible based on an even that is sure to happen and not one that may not happen or could get countermanded by a trigger that comes before it.
I know you have tried changing the triggers to the base layer and the layers themselves, but what I would try is changing the triggers themselves to be dependent upon the timeline beginning, not on a variable changing.
Maybe this will help. Maybe not.