Forum Discussion

KarenPallesc910's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline screen cast focus and CC

Hi Heroes,

I'm so close to the end of this long project and hoping you can help with a final detail.  I recorded a screen cast and inserted it as a single screen video in SL360.  My edits are done, I've published to a video file, I'm all set to share... and I notice the screen casted image is somewhat blurry.  So I incorporate some CC to divert attention from the screen cast recording, add some quick background music to the open and close slides, again edits are done, I've published to a video file, I'm all set to share... and now the CC visually "flickers" meaning it appears and disappears quickly and sporadically at random. 

I'd like to get the final video file to the requestor asap but do any Heroes out there have any troubleshooting recommendations?  I cannot re-record the screen cast but I'm curious why it would be blurryish.  Also wondering why the CC doesn't remain smoothly visible on the screen.  I'd share the file here but it's proprietary information.  Thanks!

    • KarenPallesc910's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Tom, wow I wish I had seen your thread previously but thanks for bringing it to my attention!  I'll definitely keep that in close consideration for the next recording phase of this long-term project.  I've tried publishing to different file outcomes and publishing to web seems to smooth the flickering so maybe I'll discuss with the stakeholder how we'll share this deliverable with "the world" by publishing to web instead of video perhaps.  Thanks so much for your insights!