Forum Discussion
Storyline XLIFF containing formatting
Hi Luciana,
Thank you so much for getting back to me.
I have tried this as well, however all of the Project Information imports
to the TMS as strings to be translated also. For example Source FileName,
Author, etc.
[image: image.png]
I suppose it would be possible more me to go through and individually mark
each unnecessary string as "Do Not Translate". This just makes things a bit
more tedious.
Any suggestions here?
Thanks, Luciana.
Hi Amanda,
There isn't a way to modify the XLIFF translation file that is generated by Storyline 360. You can try uploading your translation file into a different translation tool such as Smartcat to compare how each tool recognizes the words that are for translation.
If tools such as Smartcat or Trados don't recognize the entire contents of the translation file as words that need to be translated, try reaching out to the support team of your translation management system to check why it is reading the XLIFF file from Storyline 360 differently.