Forum Discussion

Community Member
3 years ago

Subir curso a Moodle

Buenos días,

He creado una guía con Storyline, quiero subirlo a moodle y necesito que se visualice como si estuviera embebido en la página del curso.

¿hay alguna manera?


  • Hello Adriana, 

    Are you trying to embed a published Storyline 360 course in an existing web page, like your company's web site? Or are you trying to embed the guide that you created in Storyline 360 into another Storyline 360 course? 

    If it is the former, then you can embed Storyline 360 content by first uploading the published output to Moodle and using an iFrame to add the content into your existing web page. 

    And if it is the latter, you can make use of the 'Add Web Object' feature in Storyline 360 to add content into an existing Storyline 360 course 

    Let me know if you have any questions!