Forum Discussion
Success and Completion
We have been having the same issue. This post answers the issue we've been grappling with for the past few weeks. We have started to break the lessons out of one Rise course and create each lesson as a course to track progress in our LMS. We're investigating the consequences of having each lesson as a stand-alone course in the LMS.
- CarolDawson5 years agoCommunity Member
We are just starting to explore this possibility. We use the Cornerstone On Demand LMS. Publishing courses using SCORM 2004 has allowed me to generate reports on answers at the question level. We're using it to have learners indicate an answer to a compliance question that requires followup.
- JulieHewitt-8c94 years agoCommunity Member
@ClaireCovington, I am curious since it has been some time since you posted what consequences your group may have identified as a result of breaking out the lessons. Thank you for any updates that you can share.