Survey questions v quiz questions reporting...
Most of the information i am finding in searches mainly refer to and talk about quiz questions and not much about survey questions.
I have the following requirement.
I need to create a pre-assessment where the user answers 5 likert questions and five multiple choice single answer questions where the answers they give need to be reported on and none are considered right or wrong....the 5 likert questions are ok but what about the pick One survey questions, is that the same? The issue obviously using Quiz questions is there is a wrong or right answer and we do not need this for this situation.
Using Cornerstone Learning we then need to run a report capturing the answers.
If I create a Likert Question and the user gets the choice of picking 1-5...what gets reported? If I use text as the scale, does it report the text for the responses?
Using Scorm 2004 should capture each users answers?
What would be the recommended set up be to submit?
Thanks for any help here.