Forum Discussion

KevinKameda's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

SVG File Issues

I'm having trouble incorporating .svg files to my storyline file.  When I add the .svg files (Picture 1), the color and fill is perfect on the screen.  When I preview/publish the file, the fill seems to disappear in portions of my .svg file (Picture 2).  Any insight would be MOST helpful on this matter.  I've included pictures for reference.



  • Hi,
    here are my steps to make SVGs compatible with Storyline (e.g. bird02-01_xxx.svg)

    Step 1: beautify the svg source
    -> with your editor - I use Visual Studio Code with extension 'Prettier - Code formatter'

    Step 2: beautify <style>
    - copy <style>-tag in a new css-file
    - remove '![CDATA[' (-> start of style-tag)
    - remove ']]>' (-> end of style-tag)
    - beautify the css-file with your editor

    Step 3: replace in the svg the original <style> with the beautified result

    Step 4: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup

    Step 5: duplicate the svg (-> reference) - open two editor windows for very easy copying/paste

    Step 6: insert in every node with animation style="" (if it is not yet present)

    Step 7: copy the appropriate animation instruction from global '<style>' to 'style=""
     - e.g. style="animation: eBs67EIoKQu10__m 2000ms linear infinite normal forwards")
    style="animation: eBs67EIoKQu10__m 2000ms linear infinite normal forwards; mix-blend-mode:multiply")
     - tip: now I temporarily change the ID (e.g. add '#') because of tests of the new integrated  animations

    Step 8: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup

    Step 9: clean <style>
    - remove all 'animation:..' from the global <style>


    #eBs67EIoKQu3 {
     animation: eBs67EIoKQu3__m 2000ms linear infinite normal forwards;

    - recover  (if you use it for other style modifications) or remove the changed IDs

    Step 10: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup


    and now your new animation start/stop

    Step 11: append <g id="bird"> - tag arround the outher tags

    <g id="bird">
    <g transform="translate(-23.907703-30.268468)">
    <path style="animation: ... />


    Step 12: change <style> to

    #bird path {
    animation-play-state: paused !important;
    #bird:hover path {
    animation-play-state: running !important;

    @keyframes eBs67EIoKQu3__m {

    Step 13: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup again

    Step 14: update the svg in storyline and publish to web or review 360


    - Firefox 101, 102: animation stops, in hover animation plays
    - Firefox ESR (92): animations stops, but no hover
    - Chrome/MS Edge/Chromium + Storyline Preview: animations stops, but no hover

     - Storyline used cloning (<use>) to integrate svg

    <svg class="svgImage" ... ">
    <use href="#eBs67EIoKQu1-6gD0MCoyp2a" ... "></use>

     - and hover with cloning is a SVG 2.0 feature (SVG 1.1 don't support it)


    CSS2 selectors cannot be applied to the (conceptually) cloned DOM tree because its contents are not part of the formal document structure.

    so we have to wait until Chrome supports this new SVG 2.0 feature


    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Wow thats a nice explanation of your process Jurgen. Great, thanks.

      I was doing some tests and research too.
      Weirdest thing is the coffee-machine on the right...
      Click the coffeecup
      Then the red light turns that...
      Then click your cup of coffee and it gets filled...

      Works as is on Chrome but not on Firefox...

      Whereas the hover its the other way around ;-)

      At least we can use SVG animations in Storyline now... clickable and interactive elements we probably have to wait till all browsers support it.

  • You guys are great!

    Now I have to find time in my workweek to experiment with this. It's going to have to wait a little since I'm already trying to find the time to continue experimenting with Character Animator and creating my own puppet(s) there.

  • I set up my SVG buttons as images instead of buttons and the normal state is still showing through when I toggle the states. I am using SVG icons that have transparency. I downloaded the PNG example above and that works fine but can't get it to work with my SVG's. Thanks!

  • Hi Perry!

    Thanks so much for reaching out about your SVG images. I understand how frustrating that can be to not get the transparency to work on your end.

    Would it be possible for you to share your files with us in this thread? We can get a better understanding of your setup that way. You can also share it privately with a support case.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    • PerryBennett-12's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, I have attached a test file comparing svg icons to png icons. The png icon works fine toggling between two states but the svg doesn't hide the initial state when toggling. I noticed that when editing button states, there is an option to "insert pictures as states", but this option is only available for pngs, not svg's. I also tried adding an extra starting state to the svg button (so it didn't start on the normal state) but that still didn't work.


      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hi Perry,

        Thanks for sharing a copy of your project file. I can confirm that I was able to observe a similar behavior on my end. 

        As per checking, we are currently tracking a known issue that causes the normal states of SVG files to still be visible when the image file changes states. I've added this ELH post to the bug report so we can notify you as soon as a fix becomes available. 

  • Hi everyone,

    I have some great news to share! We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Build 3.76.30446.0, we've included important fixes and new features.

    One of the bugs we've fixed is: 

    • Storyline 360 could crash when inserting SVG images

    Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

    Please let me know if you need additional help!

  • Hey everyone. I just ran into a similar issue with SVGs as well (which led me to this discussion). I had an SVG image with multiple states that were activate by changes in a variable. The SVGs had transparency. What happened was the original state was showing through in other states. I found a workaround that is seeming to work. I added an empty/completely transparent SVG as the Normal state. Then I added the other SVGs in their states as I had them. I then assigned one of the states as the initial state. Now when I preview it, I do not see the the SVG (what seemed to be the original Normal state) showing  through. Hope this workaround helps others experiencing the same bug.

    • NicolaFern-0297's avatar
      Community Member

      Interesting solution....but watch out as I've found having empty states as the normal state can result in problems, i.e. you can't select it on the stage anymore. I just gave up with using SVGs for the moment until the support is more stable.

  • Hi, sorry to gatecrash this thread but I'm having a persistent problem when importing SVG files into SL360. The SVGs regularly tend to be (what I describe as) 'clipped'. See example below (the red arrows denote the clipped areas). My process is to export the SVG out of Adobe Illustrator and into SL360. This clipping happens often when exporting from AI to SL360. It's almost like the bounding box crops the SVG. I have received some helpful workarounds from fellow community members but I would love to know why this happens and if there is something I can do to stop it happening at source.

    Many thanks in advance!


    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Indeed this is an issue i do encounter too. Why it happens eludes me too...and would be good to know ( or even better fix by Articulate ). Workaround i use is making the artboard/bounding box size a tiny bit bigger...and then it doesnot happen.

      • EricSantos's avatar

        Thanks for your input, Math! Do you mind sharing the affected SVG files as well? Also, does the issue only happen when SVG files are created using Adobe Illustrator? What happens when you use the SVG files I shared with Alex above?

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Alex!

      You're very much welcome to post here, and is not gatecrashing at all! I'm sorry for the trouble with the SVG images, and I wanted to help find a fix.

      I tried inserting sample SVG images into Storyline 360, and they're not clipped when previewed and published. Here's the Review 360 link to my published output and a screenshot of my preview.

      I'd like to understand your experience better. When you said, "export the SVG out of Adobe Illustrator and into SL360," did you mean using any of the three steps here to add SVGs? I attached the SVG files I used in my tests. Would you mind inserting them into a Storyline project and let me know if you get the same results?

      If the issue persists and you're comfortable sharing your SVG files with us, we'd be happy to take a look to investigate further. You can upload it here or privately in a support case. We'll delete it when we're done testing!

      • AlexBradley-10f's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks for your support Eric, I appreciate it. 

        Looking closely at the very top of the headphones in your Review 360 link, I wonder if there is slight clipping going on? It seems slightly flattened? Or that could just be the design of the headphones? When I insert your SVG files into a SL file, they look as yours do - with that slight hint of cropping at the top of the headphones.

        Anyway, my process is this:

        1. Design artwork in Adobe AI

        2. Use the 'Export' function in AI to export the artwork as an SVG file into the 'My Pictures' folder on my PC.

        3. Return to the SL360 file I am working on and select 'Insert' on the ribbon and find the SVG file and insert it. 

        I do wonder if the clipping of SVGs is occurring on export from Adobe AI. There is certainly some chat about it in the forums such as here:

        I will explore this further and report back if I find anything helpful to the community.


  • 2 years later and SVG files are still not working. I have one picture from adobe illustrator that we exported as a SVG file and the preview shows as a completely white screen. Even the other elements that are not SVG do not appear (including sounds...?). The only fix that works for now is to convert the image to PNG but that's pretty bad because the quality takes a hit. As anyone ever find a work around? My entire training is based on the visual assets we are creating...

  • Even the other elements that are not SVG do not appear (including sounds...?).

    audio in svg?

    can the browser (Chrome, Firefox) display your svg?

    Update: there is a specificationin SVG 1.2 for audio - as far as i know, storyline only supports 'image'-svg

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      Suspect the element is corrupted or is corrupting the slide when published.

      The typical result is nothing shows on the slide on preview and publish.
      Sent from my iPhone

    • FrancisPellerin's avatar
      Community Member

      The only fixed we found, but isnt optimal, was to delete the clipping mask from adobe illustrator... The file isnt corrupted, we re-exported it many many time. And yes, sounds exist in storyline haha. The SVG files affect everything, not just the image itself.. 

      • PhilMayor's avatar
        Super Hero

        When storyline doesn’t like something it does that and nothing works. I have used clipping masks and had no issues. Have you raised a support case? At least if Articulate can see it they can fix it.

        Sent from my iPhone