Forum Discussion

OperationsTrain's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Testing network endpoints



I have been asked by my IT department to test the Articulate network endpoints over our VPN. Endpoints are listed here.

However, I have asked Articulate for support in helping me figure out the full URLs to test and they say they can't help. Does anyone know how I can test them please? I'm not having a great deal of success in figuring out what I'm supposed to be testing. 

Thank you. 

    • OperationsTrain's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, yes I did check out the article - the issue is there's no instructions to test each extension and no-one can help me figure out how/what to test. 

  • AdrianEeden's avatar
    Community Member


    I assume IT is trying to lock down network comms to only allow traffic between you and Articulate, which is a good thing for them and for you and your students.

    What they are asking is "can you still do everything you used to with Articulate, particularly where your tools communicate with the online Articulate services?" which would be stuff such as signing in, publishing to the Articulate cloud services (e.g. Rise), using their content libraries, and consuming online cloud content as a delegate.

    The link posted by Richard Watson should give you a quick view of the status. Any reds should show you where problems are, and your IT department should be able to help trace this to the correct endpoint per the link you posted.

    Another, and advised way, to check, is to just go through every type of activity you would do and take a note of every funny, because in my experience often even when all the lights are green, there's often someone coming from the other side who missed the change because they were trying to turn on their radio.   So create dummy content and publish to their cloud, consume content as a student, sign in and out as a instructor and as a student, sign up as a new student, check reports to see if data is flowing, browse the website, check your payment portal, etc.

    L&D tech requirements are often so niche and specialised that IT departments just don't have the capacity to get to grips with it, and you often end up being marginalised unintentionally.  The more help you can give them the more they will appreciate it.

    Good luck

    • OperationsTrain's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, thanks for your reply. My issues are more to do with the content creation side of things - our VPN does not allow image libraries to display correctly and I'm being asked to test the URLs/endpoints listed in the article with no real instruction from either Articulate or the IT department. They are already aware of the image library issue as it affects all of our designers.