Forum Discussion

BilliSwitals189's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Text Entry - Remove "saved data"

Hello all you experts out there!!

This project has a text entry field that we are using as a Password field. There is one issue. When the user returns to the page, the text field is empty yet when I click on the text entry, the 'saved data' shows what was entered previously (see attachment). The slide is set to "reset to initial state" when revisiting and the field has a trigger to make field blank. 

The 'saved data' only shows up when viewing in the browser ReviewLink. I'm thinking this may be a browser setting, yet is there a JavaScript that would hide this box?

  • it's a browser feature (Chrome, Chromium, ...) - not in Firefox (Safari not tested)

    Chrome 104

    there is no way to deactivate this "automatic" detection of login information with javascript

    for testing the automatic detection - you could
     - remove the text "PASSWORD" and "Submit"
     - change the font of the input field to a normal font

    an idea
     - clear the password field - direct after you have recognized the correct password

    there is a nice password font in this OLD thread:

    if you upload the .story file I can take a closer look



  • @jurgen schoenemey - attached is the story file. The password is not something the learner knows. Basically an evaluator is given the learners tablet with the course from the LMS accessed. When the learner does not pass, they can retake the assessment but a password has to be entered again by the evaluator.  We do not want to the learner to have any chance to figure out the password and the save data is an issue. If you have another idea I'm all for it. 


  • you could try on the login page

     - create on the login page two password fields (perhaps in layers)
     - create a storyline variable (numTry, default 0) - perhaps there is a builtin variable, or a variable from LMS (?)
     - if numTry == 0 on start,
         - show password text input 1,
         - hide password text input 2
             -> password ok (?) or test is ready (?) -> numTry+1
     - if numTry == 1 on start
         - hide password text input 1,
         - show password text input 2
             -> password ok (?) or test is ready (?) -> numTry+1
     - if numTry > 1 on start
         - hide password text input 1,
         - hide password text input 2


  • Could try running this on timeline start:

    for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) {

     els[i].setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
