Forum Discussion
Text Entry Submit on Enter
Hi Josh,
I believe that I see the issue that you are experiencing. It isn't the size of your text box that is the problem. It is just that your text isn't getting saved to the variable.
In older versions of Storyline, you could set a trigger to submit the TextEntryBox when the user presses the Enter key, except as I explained it would cause a CR character to be entered in the text box.
It appears that when you set the trigger to for the Enter character, the text from the textentrybox no longer gets saved to the associated variable. The only way that I could get it to work was to use the first line from the javascript listed above.
This forces Storyline to loose focus on the textentrybox, and that sets the variable. From there you can proceed as normal. Of course, the javascript only runs when you publish the project.
I believe that this behavior is a bug in Storyline, and I suggest that you submit a bug request to Articulate.
I was incredibly frustrated for about 15 minutes with this issue before searching for an answer and my goodness. All I can say is, "thank you so much!"
Happy Holidays!