Forum Discussion
Text to Speech Feature
How do I get this feature? When I click on Insert>Audio the only thing that I can do is adjust Audio Playback and Audio Recording. I do not have the option to convert my notes on a slide to speech. Is there a program that I need to download? I checked for Articulate updates to ensure that I am using the latest version and there are updates at this time. I have Storyline 3 with Update 13:3.13.26122.0 loaded onto my computer. Any help would be appreciated as I need to update a current file asap. Thanks!
Text to speech is a feature of Storyline 360 and not available in Storyline 3.
You can subscribe to Articulate 360 if you want it in the authoring. If you don't have Storyline 360 and need to convert text-to-speech there are some products that do that.
Amazon Polly is mostly free or very low cost and does a great job. You could do the conversion in there and upload the audio files.