The state of some object does not change when the condition is met
I have made a random number generator and have it generate a random number every 2 seconds and assign the new number to a number holder variable, I made sure the number will not repeat from the previously existing number. However, whenever a number is generated, the corresponding card (card 1-6) should open, but there is some delay in the process.
For example, if the number <3> is generated, card 3's state should change to "answer", but sometimes, the card 3 will never change.
I made it so the <check to change state> statement will happen more often by attaching the when condition to when random number changes, which happens very often and quickly. This does not fix the issue, but will make sure the state of the card gets changed eventually.
What is causing the issue to happen? why won't the state changes when the condition is met? (I'm guessing that storyline 360 runs on a single thread execution or sequential execution, so when a lot of things are happening quickly in the short amount of time, some information/packet gets lost in the process.)
If that's the case, what are some solution that I can implement to make this feature work?
Thank you in advance